TankMaster Inventory Management Software
TankMaster is a powerful easy-to-use Windows based inventory management software package. It provides configuration, service, setup, inventory and custody transfer functions for Rosemount tank gauging systems.
TankMaster comes in two versions;
WinOpi is a complete custody transfer and inventory software package. All calculations are based on current API and ISO standards. It can provide data over a network, via Modbus and/or OPC, to host systems or an unlimited number of TankMaster clients. Configuration of Raptor and Rex systems is made with WinSetup, which is included in the suite.
WinView is a software package with basic inventory capabilities. It is a cost efficient alternative for operational control at smaller tank terminals, marketing terminals, biofuels and chemical plants, etc. Configuration is made with WinSetup, which is included in the suite.
There is also a web version available, Rosemount TankMaster Net which makes it is possible to get an automatic real-time inventory overview of a tank farm via intranet or any PC with internet access.